Tuesday, March 29, 2011

what's really going on... the skinny on painting

so, every new years eve loads of people get totally smashed and probably do something intimate with someone they shouldn't, or should. that's hot....

the resulting hangovers and remorse doubtlessly give people an impetus to make 'resolutions' ie; 'stop smoking' 'exercise more' 'stop hitting my kids' 'start a militia' 'banana splits'. that last one isn't really a resolution.

thanks for waiting. my 'resolution' for this year was to do a small watercolor painting everyday for a year, which in most circles is called the 365 project. after holding out for roughly a month i caved and failed at this, let me tell you why.

i do a lot of art. i have callouses from pencils, pens, brushes, tattoo machines, wood carving knives and musical instruments. most of my time creating is spent drawing for tattoos with some very limited and precious time left for doing design jobs for bands, writing music, cleaning, cooking, and lastly personal art. with the 365 project i found myself cutting corners on the painting. doing the same medium everyday is kind of a soul-crushing thing for me. i thrive on the diversity of tomorrow. my paintings got worse everyday. i was giving less and less time to it. and consolidating 4 or 5 days of paintings into one day. i figured i would rather swallow the failure of the project and take time to create art that I wanted to do and see, than spend the next year doing crappy one-off skull paintings.

that said, these are the last of the 365's, enjoy!!!......
 color study for a tattoo
this is what i'm talking about. can you say 'rush job'? the wine bottle is pretty, but the banners are blank and unshaded and the damned fiddle has no strings?! weak.
 painting this rose ruined my day. even looking at it makes me feel like a hack
 stylistically 'nice' rushed though. look at that wonky sun, if the sun ever looks like that, become a CHUD
 this is akin to bathroom stall graffiti.... the fella on the right is the famous Hot Stuff devil. classic. the four on the left are (clockwise from top left) Pot Stuff, Fraught Stuff, Bot Stuff and Caught Stuff...five 'days' of paintings, obviously took me under an hour between appointments. buh-loney.
pretty but under-developed, will prolly repaint
this was a bad one to end with, why did i do that?

keep yer lil' eyeballs peeled!