Sunday, February 20, 2011

a quickie

how could living on earth be any cooler?! these men should be sainted!

also, i didn't actually do this tattoo, it's a photo for a cover-up that the chick never followed through just seem like you needed to smile.
you're welcome.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

sing about something

i love music a lot.

i listen to music, i play music, i talk about's THE stuff.

after years of putting music-related tattoos on people, i've learned to completely squelch the music nerd enthusiasm that overcomes me at the moment a client lays a music themed tattoo idea out-

"i've been thinking about a tattoo, who do i talk to? you?"
      "yup-o! what're you thinking about doing?"
"this, in black, on my wrist"
[client unfolds google images printout with a bass clef]
     "awesome! do you play bass?!"
[client makes face as though they smelled a fart]
"um, no."
     "then you're left-handed?" (the bass clef indicates what the left hand plays on piano)
"no." [checks cell phone, looks around]
"how much will it cost?"......

i've learned to just shut up and treat it like selling them a sandwich, i mean snakes are badass even if you're not a herpetologist so let it be, right?

this kid does not sing. i asked.
this fella's 3 children share the same birthday....2/11....i suggested a tallboy of steel reserve, but he went with roses, cant argue with the classics!!!

i've been terrible at taking 365 pix, more up in the next day or two!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

i've never wanted to be myself more than i do right now

nonstop fun muffuggas. this week was chock full of really great ideas.

tattooing friends is awesome, because they always come up with the most creative, wacky, engaging ideas....or maybe i just hang out with creative, wacky, engaging people... this one speaks for itself...

old-timey mania! that caterpillar metamorphosed from a blank kneecap to a pretty patch of hurt in just under 2 1/2 hours....bless this tough, tough woman.
aaaaand a one-two punch of straight edge fury...
   x up or shut up i suppose
and the cover for TopxNotch's new album 'The Ressurrection of Conviction'....also my 365 for today (forgot to shoot a couple flix for the last 365s)